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AllowList HREFLang Builder

If you use a CDN like Cloudflare or Akamai or any other network security product for the website, you should ask the DevOps team to add us to the AllowList/AcceptList of User Agents and IPs that are allowed to access the site.

Note: Hreflang Builder does not actively crawl your website. There are two conditions where we need to have any interaction:

  • When we request your CMS-generated XML sitemaps

We request the URLs that are provided to u

Adding User Agent

If you plan to use URL validation, you should whitelist the application’s IP’s and/or the User Agent.

User Agent:  “HreflangBuilder/0.1 +

Adding IP’s




Please let us know if you require specific times of day or crawl rates so we can enable them. 

Unique Append Codes

An option other than adding the IPs or User Agent is to append a unique variable to your XML sitemaps that your system will interpret as an authorized source. Let us know these codes or feel free to add them in sitemap section of the Auto Update screen.

Custom User Agent

A few clients have asked us to add a custom or client-specified User Agent that they can use to detect and allow us to request the pages. If you need this option, please submit a support ticket.

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