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Use Auto Update to Add New URL’s

If you want to add new URL’s for a marketing campaign or have added new products and these URL’s are not yet in your auto loaded source files you can use this Append Function in Auto Updates to add them.

This is the best method if you have list of URL’s for multiple markets. You can add multiple files or if they are merged into a single master file the filtering system will sort them into their individual markets.

Using Append Feature

If you need to replace a lot of URl’s for a single market or append additional URL’s for a single build of the XML only then follow these steps.


Step 1 – Click Auto Updates

From the main screen header you will see “Auto Update” click this link to open the Auto Update Management screen.

Step 2 – Select your Import Source

Drag your source files into the upload box or click it to locate them on your computer.

Note:  The system supports CSV or XLS formatted file and it should ONLY have 1 column that contains the list of  URL’s. Any other format will be rejected. 

Step 3 – Click Update to set them for import

 Click the blue update button at the bottom to add the files and upload the URL’s into the system.

Step 4 – Click “Run” to Import & Update

Click the “Run” button to start the import process. The system will import these URL’s and all the other source URL’s and build a new HREFLang XML.

Note: The URL’s will be added until this file is deleted during each of the future periodic updates.

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