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Setting up AWS S3 Bucket for XML Site Maps

The followings are the key steps and technical requirements to set up your AWS S3 buckets to enable auto loading of XML sitemaps to your servers.

Required Elements for HREFLang Builder

To connect Hreflang Builder to your AWS bucket, you need to send us or add these items in this format to the Storage Setup in your account.


The bucket name can be anything you wish, but it should be descriptive to make it easier for others to know what it is for.


The Access key_id is generated by the system based on your internal security rules.


The secret_key is generated by the system at teh same time as the key_id based on your internal security rules.


If you want to separate files by brand family or markets within the bucket, you can create directories for each. It is not required, but if you do need/want to use it we need to set it here.


This indicates which Amazon host region the bucket is listed. If you allow multiple regions separate each with a comma.

S3 Bucket Permissions

You must enable public permissions so that the search engines can view and retrieve the XML sitemaps.

Sample S3 Policy Text

Ensure that the security policy text allows the role with access the ability to put and get files to the bucket. Your internal policy rules may vary from the following.

Set Reverse Proxy

Once the bucket is created and you verify Hreflang Builder can upload XML sitemap files the next step will be to setup reverse proxy to the desired public URL addresses.

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