December 8, 2023

5 Reasons Your Hreflang Is Probably Broken

I had the opportunity to listen to Dan Taylor of the Salt Agency present his hreflang error research he had initially published on Search Engine Land at the International Search Summit in Barcelona. He indicated that 31% of the international websites he reviewed had hreflang errors.  Based on Hreflang Builder’s […]
December 8, 2023

Free Hreflang Demystified Course

This week, we launched our new Hreflang Demystified course to increase awareness of Hreflang. The first segment of the course goes into detail (rant) explaining why we created the course. It came from many months of frustration attending conferences, reading articles, and dealing with clients and prospects. The main reasons […]
October 31, 2023

Hreflang Demystified Course

We have partnered with International Webmastery to create a series of courses related to hreflang implementation. The first of the series is Hreflang Demystified. It has been over 10 years since Google introduced hreflang elements, and it continues to be one of the most challenging and hated SEO techniques. The […]
September 13, 2023

How to Measure Hreflang Success

The best way to measure the success of your Hreflang deployment is to evaluate it against the reason(s) you deployed it in the first place. The most common reason to deploy hreflang is to correct an incorrectly ranking market site from another market. For example, a search in Canada returns […]
August 16, 2021

5 Benefits of Centrally Managing XML and HREFLang Sitemaps

Google has demonstrated the importance of being indexed and error reduction making multiple sets of information available to site owners in Search Console. The coverage report is a literal to-do checklist of clean up yet few website owners take the time to use it to maximize the global indexation of […]
August 13, 2021

HREFLang Management for Multi-CMS Systems

For many multinationals, there is a never-ending flux of CMS migrations and integrations. The image above shows an example of the various CMS systems used by a single multinational in different regions. It shows that in some regions they no sooner get the CMS installed and the global team is […]
May 20, 2021

Hreflang Challenges for International SEO

HREFLang has been said to be one of the most complex tasks in SEO. HREFlang itself is not the problem but the complexities of the sites where it is being implemented. The following are four examples of hidden challenges international SEO professionals may encounter during hreflang implementation – and how […]