HTML Sitemap Dynamic URL Matching and Mapping

Are you struggling to build an effective hreflang sitemap for your website? One of the most important components of a successful sitemap is dynamic URL matching. This allows us to to accurately determine which pages on your site are relevant to which languages and regions.

But don’t worry if you’re not familiar with dynamic URL matching. Our instructions break down what it is and how it works, as well as provide step-by-step instructions for implementing it on your own site. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive hreflang sitemap that will help boost your international SEO efforts

The real challenge in building an HREFLang XML sitemap is mapping the alternative URL’s to each other.  All the other “free tools” force you to align the URL’s in CSV and then once the hard, and manual sorting is done, upload them to assemble the files.  We do all of that for you.   All we need to understand is how your URL’s indicate the country and language of each page.   While this can seem complicated we allow you to pick the format that matches your site and we do the rest.  We have accounted for over 100 different URL formats including subdirectories, sub domains and even ccTLD’s.   For more information please review our HREF Builder URL Mapping FAQ.

In addition to mapping exact match URL’s, our newest feature, Localized Directory Mapping, allows us to match translated directories and URL’s to map them to ensure you have a complete set of matched URL’s.  For more information please review our Mapping Translated Directories FAQ.

Let our HREFlang Sitemap Tool do the work.